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Our Services

Those who have lost a loved one to suicide are 40% more likely to have thoughts of suicide. Our goal is to lessen the time elapsed between the death and survivors finding the help they feel will help them cope with this devastating loss.


Our LOSS Team volunteers provide immediate crisis support, comfort, and most importantly, the instillation of hope. They have also lost a loved one to suicide. This is a unique bond – an understanding that can only exist between those who have experienced such a tragic loss.


Survivors are left with a binder of resources to reference once they are ready, and for continued use in the future. By providing this information, we hope to answer some of the many questions that arise, alleviate some stress, and provide comfort during the first hours, days, weeks, months, and beyond.

"Programs like this should be standard protocol to support loved ones in their time of need, with survivors who have gone through the process of their own recovery. It is critical for the new members of this community. What I found the most helpful about LOSS Team services is the realization that volunteer work and giving back is the best ingredient for healing. It has helped me offset the hurt and void from my loss."



Girld Reading Book



Survivors are provided with information on:

  • Immediate and long term mental health care

  • Local support groups

  • Funeral arrangements

  • Social media management

  • And so much more

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